The building was commissioned by Antonio Borrás Vizoso, the lawyer who owned the property and the brother of José Demetrio Borrás, who was major of Ferrol between 1905 and 1909. Although no documents are kept in the Municipal Archives proving that the work was that of Rodolfo Ucha, the design seems unmistakably his.

The modernist heritage is present in this corner house, whose dimensions and change of elevation determined the type of building created.

At the ends of the façade, the design grows vertically until becoming a kind of tower. Each of these boundaries has a monumental entrance and a different finish on each façade, with an eaves roof on Calle Méndez Núñez and a pediment on Calle de la Igrexa.

The bays, due to their large dimensions, occupy almost the entire façade, but they are uniform and simple in profile, in line with the taste of neo-eclecticist monumentalism.