The Teatro Jofre began construction in 1872, following the design of Marcelino Sors. It was completed twenty years later thanks to the patronage of Joaquín Jofre Maristany, a Ferrol native who had become rich during his emigration.

The theatre was bought in 1919 by the Fraga entertainment company, which commissioned Ucha to design a new, more monumental façade. The following year, the first project was presented, which contemplated the construction of a complete façade, which would also affect the annex building, facing onto calle Igrexa, and thus ordering the urban space in front of the theatre. The cost of this project made it unfeasible and, in 1921, Ucha presented a new plan that gave rise to the current façade.

The final result, which was spectacular but economical, justifies including this work within the new eclecticism, due to its façade of horizontal, symmetrical and axial lines set out on the base of gigantic pilasters. The windows are surrounded by mouldings, vegetal garlands and crowns, and at the top of the cornice floral pinnacles alternate with curved pediments. The central iron finial, bearing the name of the theatre, is no longer preserved today.

The portico, added to the original façade, rests on paired columns supporting decorated and very bright segmental arches. Above the ornamental capitals are the mascarons, of modernist affiliation, which, in this case, function as an allegory of traditional theatrical comedy and tragedy and constitute one of the most characteristic decorative elements of the building.