In the 1910s, the sailor Ramón Pereira Sueiras commissioned Rodolfo Ucha to build three properties, although the third one was never erected, but Casas Pereira I and II Casas Pereira, located at calles María and Dolores, respectively, were.

The façade of Casa Pereira I mixes tradition and innovation by preserving the Ferrol gallery and by adopting a more flexible and varied design where each floor has a different layout.

The first floor has two sewn oriel windows topped with a window frame at the bottom with glass panes evoking a fish tail, a decorative element making it possible to compare this house with Gaudi´s Casa Batlló in Barcelona. On the second floor, the balconies and the gallery reverse the position of the first floor, and on the third floor the gallery is slanted to make the most of the daylight.

Casa Pereira I was remodelled in 1992 and changes were made that affected the façade, such as the loss of the iron balcony of the first floor and part of the tile decoration.

Opposite this house we find casa Constenla, also designed by Ucha in 1914, which was destroyed and rebuilt in the 1980s.