This building is one of the best examples of dichotomy between the public and the private that characterises bourgeois modernism. The property was built in a plot of land between party walls, seven meters wide and 40 meters deep, extending as far as the parallel street. As a result, the two façades give the impression of being two different buildings.

Under these conditions, Rodolfo Ucha designed an interior courtyard that provides the house with light and ventilation, and that resolves the difference in height between calle Real and calle Dolores. The façade on calle Real, representative of the urban context in which it was built, belongs to the woodwork modernism, while the façade on calle Dolores, which is residential and private, is part of the modernist style.

The façade on calle Real has the appearance of a single-span triumphal arch made up of the usual elements of the houses on party walls, with each floor having different layouts, organised on the basis of pointed arches in the galleries and recessed balconies in the centre.

The façade opening onto calle Dolores is one storey lower and the galleries and balconies are replaced by windows framed by mouldings that seek to let in as much light as possible.