Casa Pereira II is an imaginative construction representative of a very plastic modernism, and in its façade, barely seven metres wide, the architect Rodolfo Ucha moves away from Viennese sezessionstil to approach the Belgian modernism of authors such as Gustave Strauven.

To observe it in the best possible way, it is recommended to stand on the other side of the street, in a position that allows you to appreciate the organisation of the façade and the application of the principle of diarthrosis, which allows the various elements integrated into the façade as a whole to work independently of each other. Thus, in Casa Pereira II, each of the bays, pilasters, balconies, or decorations are designed individually, but without forgetting that they form part of a whole construction.

Each of the floors and each of the vertical strips of the façade are different, highlighting asymmetry and mixing all possible materials.