This project dates back to 1910, but various setbacks caused a delay in the execution of the work. The commission came from the Concello itself and sought to replace the fish market, built in 1901, annexed to the local market.

The new location of the market, at the end of the Costa da Mella, allowed quick access from the port and also more efficient cleaning due to its proximity to the Ferrol Naval Base.

The building has retained its original function to this day but has undergone several remodelling works that have caused it to lose some of its original appearance. Its preservation was even endangered when a new Central Market was built in the late 1990s.

The most interesting modernist elements of the building are found in the short, almost identical façades, based on a segmental arch crossed by pillars and pilasters that allow large windows and doors to be opened.

Some of the original latticework has been lost, but the corner buttresses with vegetal and geometric motifs typical of Viennese Art Nouveau have been preserved.