This is one of the residential buildings where the decorative formula of modernism was first applied in Ferrol

The commission came from Antonio Alberto Munduate, Rodolfo Uchas drawing teacher at the School of Arts and Crafts, who was his first client when the architect returned to Ferrol.

Curiously, a descendant of Alberto Munduate married one of Uchas daughters, which is why the property still belongs to one branch of the family.

Casa Munduate is Uchas first work in the style that came to be known as woodwork modernism or popular modernism. This style was applied to narrow, galleried residential buildings in the centre of town, located between party walls.

The buildings façade is in an excellent state of conservation, barely undergoing any alteration with respect to the original design. It exemplifies the balance between the tradition of the Ferrol gallery and the modernity of Art Nouveau with the use of materials such as iron, wood, and glass. The geometric woodwork and the decorative mantling moulding on the balcony define the new aesthetic. Mouldings made up of palms, triglyphs, buttons and dentils complete the ensemble.