The Bank of La Coruña was founded in 1857 and was re-founded as an institution in 1917 by Dionisio Tejero, who promoted the expansion of the institution. The first of the new branches was the one in Ferrol, which opened in 1918 on a rectangular, sloping site on the corner of Calle Real and Calle Méndez Núñez.

The peculiar shape of the site and its privileged location, on a corner open to Plaza de Amboaxe, required a design that would unify the whole construction, as the two façades can be seen simultaneously. Thus, we find Beaux Arts features, in particular the inclusion of coats of arms and garlands at the crown of the building. Above the entrance door, we find the coat of arms of the city of A Coruña, and on the corners of the façade opening onto calle Méndez Núñez are the coats of arms of Ferrol and Galicia.

Inside the building, which was completely refurbished in 2000, you can still find mouldings, corbels and ceilings restored for the new use of the building.