It is a corner building, with a basement, a commercial ground floor and a single-family dwelling on two levels. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is barely four metres deep but about 15 metres on the façade that opens onto calle Méndez Núñez. These exceptional dimensions forced the architect to be highly creative in order to overcome the difficulties of the work.

Ucha rose to the challenge by creating a long façade opening onto calle Méndez Núñez in which, instead of the classic wooden gallery, a central concrete body was built in the form of an entryway or projecting corridor. This favours the gaining of interior space and allows the rooms to be properly illuminated.

The commercial ground floor was built around two large semi-circular windows framed with decorative stones which are attached to the rustic base, of modernist style, like the latticework of the balconies, the door and the over-door.

The absence of decorative elements and the symmetry of the main façade indicate, on the other hand, that the work is turning towards the new, more pragmatic eclecticism.