It was founded in 1891 but it was in 1920 when it moved to its current location in calle Rubalcava. It is a simple single-storey building with living space under the roof. The original design included two attics which, although not built at the time, now crown the building due to recent renovations aimed at recovering the original design.

The space is large and open, with large windows opening onto the street, offering good ventilation and light. On the outside, a sturdy plinth preserves the building and disguises the unevenness of the street. The overall symmetry is almost perfect, with large windows on both sides of the door running along the entire façade.

Inside, elements such as the hydraulic floor tiles are in the process of being recovered, and a mural by the painter José González Collado was installed in 2016.

The uninterrupted use of the facilities forced successive reforms resulting in the loss of certain constructive elements, such as the side entrance doorway, the decorative end of the roof or the two pinnacles decorating the summit, all of which have recently been reconstructed.